Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yaoi is awesome

Yaoi is amazing!... I find the aspect of the "forbidden fruit" or "forbidden love" appealing.

Plus westerners don't have anything like it, right!

K I’m going to elaborate on that, this was a response for Yaoi and Boy’s Love for Everyone !
A Friend of mines blog …

She made a post about yaoi and um asked in a way, why it was so appealing and this is what I would have responded... well if I wasn’t so damn rambling lol I would have writing all of this.

I find the idea that the story is about something different aka one, two or sometimes more gay men, their love, their hope, their feelings basically a perspective of how they live (and I say perspective because many mangaka write their stories different) although most of the time is  a woman's prospective, their are some male mangaka out there. I swear there are. But seeing how most mangaka use aliases so I'm just going to go with it and say there are Men who are mangaka that draw and write yaoi/BL! :P anyhow back to the topic about me loving yaoi...
So I really really  love the fact that these mangaka write and draw these stories, otherwise where would I get my fix right.  The stories aka Yaoi usually are yummy male sex goodness censored or not and sometimes just two men finding love. I can say I'm good with either version really... I think, I honestly read these stories because they are something that people are not “suppose” to do i.e.  forbidden or conflicted love. Men loving men I see no problem with that , but most of the time they do deal with the conflict of being gay and coming out or staying in the closet and some even deal with the hardship gay men have to deal with,  Like I’m not supposed to love him I’m a guy. or family issues around being gay a lot of the mean have no family or a supportive family, but all in all I like when they beat the odds and have a happy ending. Although I do know most of it is fantasy and my friends say I have yaoi eyes or goggles I'm ok with that, because sometimes fantasy is ok  

I really applaud these mangaka  for writing and drawing these awesomely yaoi / boy love stories but of course I also love men who love men so.. Yeah: P

SO there is the post I would have posted. I find I ramble a lot so sometimes I have to re read and re read to fix things. I know this is different from my usual post not that anyone is really going to read this but I wanted to rambling and well what else are blogs good for right.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Things tend to end when you don't want them too, even if its suppose to be a happy ending it still can be very sad. Sad isn't a bad thing its a way to express how you feel , happy and sad are suppose to be opposites but sometimes they happen at the same time.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Childs Emotions

When I think of how to describe the way I feel, sometimes the only thing that comes to mind is like a child. I have come to terms or would like to think that I'm coming to terms with the idea that I have the emotions of a child. Its really the only way I can describe it at this moment and time. I'm naive ... I'm naive is the way most say I am and overwhelming but its who I am , and I really can't change that about myself, I'm always being told "you need to change" "you need to do this" "you need to do that" ... "this is the way is should be" "do it like this" "act like this" "be like this" so much so that I feel like a child. Whats so wrong with me that others feel that I have to be different? am I not alright, is it that I need to be someone different , someone else. Why is it that they need me to be different act different be someone else? But I don't want to change , I don't want to be someone else , Why can't I just be me ? Why is being myself so bad to others ?

Monday, June 13, 2011

I can't stop

You ever just start crying and don't know how it happened or when it started but you just can't stop the tears they just keep coming out and it hurts too much to stop , the pain , the sadness, the sorrow, the feeling of loss , the uncontrollable need to be held , the feeling of something missing , the need for comfort, but the tears won't stop. And you think why ? why now ? why here ? Why ? Why ? Why ? I was fine ! I really was fine ... wasn't I? Why did it have to start now???? Why can't they stop? Why do I need comfort ? where is this coming from? but the tears won't stop. Stop please stop , stop the pain , stop this uncontrollable sadness, but the tears still won't stop. The held in anger, the held in sadness, the continuous amount a built up emotions inside that are screaming to come out all of a sudden ... I need them to stop I can't break... not now... not here, I have to stitch myself back together , I need to pick up the pieces I'm not allowed to fall apart , I don't have time for this , I have no right to fall apart ... but the tears won't stop...so much ... so fast... too much ... I can't shove them back in , the emotions poor out almost as fast as the tears. But its ok right I'm alone no one can see.. just a little longer and they should stop ... I'm bagging you please stop .. It would be lie if I really said I wanted them to stop I'm the one to blame , If I didn't always hold it it this wouldn't happen , Its ok to cry right ... Its normal to cry sometimes ... its a normal emotion.. but its not normal to let them build up until ... until they decide they are coming out even if you don't want them too ... the tears and pain and sadness and endless emotions build up until they scream to get out and this happens.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Why do I act this way? Its almost like I'm trying to push my daughter away.
When in reality I'm just tired of everyone else... the frustration has built up for so long I'm having a hard time keeping my cool.

I'm like a teenager who is always frustrated and willing to fight. The nagging of others and the ideas they have on how I should parent I feel like a constant letdown because I can never meet others expectations, then I think why do they expect so much from me and just put myself down thinking since I can't do anything right or am not good enough maybe I should just stop trying so hard to be excepted, maybe I can't draw good enough so why should I even bother drawing anymore maybe I can't design things for people fast enough or good enough maybe I should just stop, everyone tells me to stop , stop thinking about working in that field of design its to hard to get a job or there is no stability or you wouldn't be able to work the hours anyways, so I should just stop right. Even though people around me are always telling me I can't do things I still want too , I'm not sure if its to prove them wrong or just because doing those types of jobs make me happy. 

But I find I daught myself all the time and I'm tired and angry ... all I want to do is make sierra happy give her a life I didn't have keep her from having to worry about things in life that children shouldn't have too. but I end up hurting the one I love the most .... sighs

I somehow end up pushing her away I don't mean too but I do and the real issue is how do I let her know that I love her , that I'll never leave her, that she is everything to me, even when I'm upset I don't mean to yell or get angry or make her feel bad ... I love her so much but how can I hurt her so at the same time, why are people so selfish? am I really that selfish too?I need to stop trying to get others around her to want to spend time with her and just be with her myself. I want to hide her from the scary things in this world , I want to protect her, I want to keep her safe but I also want her more then anything to grow up knowing that she is truly loved.

I want to take her away from all this sadness that she feels.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Distorted View

I find people have a distorted view or lets say a single sided view or maybe even a selective view ... you get the picture right , well if you don't its ok because I don't really think anyone reads what I write which is ok because I can seriously say that I write on here for me and not for others opinions not that I mind others thoughts but I don't think I do it for attention ,,,well I hope I don't.
I have been watching anime lately and I find the view of a happy ending isn't a ending but a beginning I suppose  which makes sense but for a person like me , I don't like it I want to know that it will end right I want to know if she knows he loves her I want to know that she will wake up and they will be a family .. I suppose I have a lot of I wants in there ...but for me I suppose its the need to know ..the understanding of what happens ... I need to get it

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Here I go

I have hit a bump and need to find what I need to get over it , the problem is I have no clue how to.

I sit and watch how the days go by not knowing what will happen next
The unknown future scares me so
I'm stuck in a hole that has no bottom no up no down
The life I want is so uncertain
the honesty I give to myself is false and half there
I want so much but the walls just seem to build
every which way I look there is another and when that one falls one more will appear
I feel that to overcome these walls I must break free
But I am unsure of how to do so
My idea of freedom is still unknown
I can dream but am told my dreams are too big
Why do I have to settle ? Why can my dreams not come true? Why must others feel the need to dampen my dreams , my ideas , my hopes ....
as if I have to be torn down just like my walls , and live the way others think I should.
Why is it that others find it ok to bash what people want , a dream , a wish .... a persons hope
I feel like a teenager who can't live a life that they dream
I feel like a child who just can't do it right
I don't know what to do or do I ?
Life is not easy nor shall one person get what they want without trying or fighting for it
But why is it that I feel that I can't even have the chance to fight
Why is it that people who are suppose to love me tell me I can't
you can't.. stop trying.. It won't happen , why would you want that? why can't you just be happy? why can't you just be normal? am I not normal do I not wish for the same as others
to have dreams and want them to come true well maybe I'm not sure of what dreams I have or maybe my dreams will change or I will dream for more once I reach one goal but isn't that my choice , why do they feel that its their opinion that matters more that they have to be right!
I don't force what I want on others
I don't tell people their stupid for wanting more
I don't judge and say its never going to be happen
I would never tell someone their not good enough
So why do they do it to me?
Why is it that I'm not allowed to have wishes , hopes, and dreams for something better?
I feel like a child who is always looking for herself like I'm lost and don't know my way back
I'm scared and alone and want to be loved and cared for
Why is that so much to ask for?
Why can't that be something valid for me to want ?
I feel like a child alone and looking for something anything a glimmer of hope that life doesn't have to just be ... just be this way.
That life can be more
That happiness can happen
I feel like a teenager who is lost in a worlds so scary and so full of evil that I'm looking for that light that shinning light that will pull me back to what I need to live in this world of evil and hate.
I feel like I'm being placed in this box with the same four walls and the same objects and I can't get out and the box is getting smaller and all I want to do is run break free
Why is it that when people think they are helping they are really just doing it to help themselves to make it easier for themselves ?
I can't be the only person who thinks this
Is it really this way are people so self absorbed that others only matter if they are doing something for them ?
 When I feel the wall getting higher or the box getting smaller I lose the erg to fight , for when I fight and I break the wall or am close to opening the box a little something happens something always happens and the box snaps back harder and smaller and the wall just rebuilds But I know that I still have a lot of fight left in me and that one day I will be strong enough to break that wall and that the box will open ...

I guess right now that is what my hope is for that I can become strong enough to do that and find my dreams or hopes what they may be... that I can  make them be true no matter how big or small they may be because after all they are my dreams my wishes my ideas ... but there is still so much uncertainty
I suppose I need to be stronger , strong enough to stand up to those who see me as unrealistic
those who see me as mellow dramatic, those who see my ideas , dreams, hopes as childish as foolish ... I need to have hopes I can't be just another lifeless person , Its not who I am , I'm mellow dramatic , I'm hopeful , I have wishes and hopes and I just need to find my strength for I can't just be simple its just not who I am .... ahhh but why do I have so much doubt  sighs and how do I build up strength? 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How does one hide them self

How does one hide them self
like completely hide them self
from the pain the hurt and the sorrow of their own life
one cannot just hide from that
one cannot control all of ones certainties
how is one expected to do such a thing
for others can hide
others can run
others can leave
but one has to stay
for it is one and one cant hide from them self
Ice inside

... who do you think you are?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I try

Its all I can really do..Is try my best to be the best I can be ... what more can I do
I can't change what people do
I can't change how people act
I can't make someone love me nor can I make someone like me
But at the end of the day I still feel lonely
Like I'm on this neverending quest to find someone who will care about me
Who will care for me
Who won't give up on me
Who won't leave me when they get bored
who will like me even love me
Someone who wants me in their life as much as I want them

A person who won't run away when my life seems unbearable
when things don't go well but they will stay there and be with me through it
someone who loves me for me sometimes it seems like I feel like a child
looking for a mother
It hurts too much to want what I can't have
but when people toy with you and you just become accustomed to something
its hard to break the habit
of wanting to be loved
I have so much love to give it can be unbearable I suppose
why is it so wrong for me to want a constant in my life
I love my child more then anything in the world
But how am I suppose to teach her about love other then my own
when she can't see people who love her other then me

I love her for her
I know how hard life is
I'm not going to try to break her so she has to learn things the hard way
I'm going to be supportive and loving and caring and give her the most unconditional Love
There are no strings attached to my love of her
I have no alternative motive for loving her
why can't people just love
why does there always have to be something in it for someone in order to do something

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I feel like a child ... the feeling I get, it happens a lot and once I started to talk about how I feel. Things just started to make more sense to me about how I act, how I react and how I cope with everyday things in live. It sucks because the more I realize it the more I understand and that sucks even more because It will be hard for me to overcome this ... this/these feelings I'm not saying I won't overcome them I know over time I have overcome many obstacles I just wish I realized this feeling a long time ago. things  well things would have been so much easier if I only knew how to cope and deal with them sooner, but I understand some of what I have to do. And I know its not going to happen overnight but in time who knows one....two .... ten years from now I may even look back at this and be like ... my my haven't you changed. I only hope I can get through all this without losing myself. I feel like I have lost myself before and well this may not make sense to many but as soon as I find myself I know I can be well....well I can be me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


SO I am currently so overwhelmed I can barely breath, its hard for me to talk to people and really say how I feel or what I'm going through, Without me feeling like I'm burdening them or that I will upset them and no longer have them in my life. A friend suggested I blog about my Life and say what I want too and If I wasn't comfortable then say nothing.