Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Here I go

I have hit a bump and need to find what I need to get over it , the problem is I have no clue how to.

I sit and watch how the days go by not knowing what will happen next
The unknown future scares me so
I'm stuck in a hole that has no bottom no up no down
The life I want is so uncertain
the honesty I give to myself is false and half there
I want so much but the walls just seem to build
every which way I look there is another and when that one falls one more will appear
I feel that to overcome these walls I must break free
But I am unsure of how to do so
My idea of freedom is still unknown
I can dream but am told my dreams are too big
Why do I have to settle ? Why can my dreams not come true? Why must others feel the need to dampen my dreams , my ideas , my hopes ....
as if I have to be torn down just like my walls , and live the way others think I should.
Why is it that others find it ok to bash what people want , a dream , a wish .... a persons hope
I feel like a teenager who can't live a life that they dream
I feel like a child who just can't do it right
I don't know what to do or do I ?
Life is not easy nor shall one person get what they want without trying or fighting for it
But why is it that I feel that I can't even have the chance to fight
Why is it that people who are suppose to love me tell me I can't
you can't.. stop trying.. It won't happen , why would you want that? why can't you just be happy? why can't you just be normal? am I not normal do I not wish for the same as others
to have dreams and want them to come true well maybe I'm not sure of what dreams I have or maybe my dreams will change or I will dream for more once I reach one goal but isn't that my choice , why do they feel that its their opinion that matters more that they have to be right!
I don't force what I want on others
I don't tell people their stupid for wanting more
I don't judge and say its never going to be happen
I would never tell someone their not good enough
So why do they do it to me?
Why is it that I'm not allowed to have wishes , hopes, and dreams for something better?
I feel like a child who is always looking for herself like I'm lost and don't know my way back
I'm scared and alone and want to be loved and cared for
Why is that so much to ask for?
Why can't that be something valid for me to want ?
I feel like a child alone and looking for something anything a glimmer of hope that life doesn't have to just be ... just be this way.
That life can be more
That happiness can happen
I feel like a teenager who is lost in a worlds so scary and so full of evil that I'm looking for that light that shinning light that will pull me back to what I need to live in this world of evil and hate.
I feel like I'm being placed in this box with the same four walls and the same objects and I can't get out and the box is getting smaller and all I want to do is run break free
Why is it that when people think they are helping they are really just doing it to help themselves to make it easier for themselves ?
I can't be the only person who thinks this
Is it really this way are people so self absorbed that others only matter if they are doing something for them ?
 When I feel the wall getting higher or the box getting smaller I lose the erg to fight , for when I fight and I break the wall or am close to opening the box a little something happens something always happens and the box snaps back harder and smaller and the wall just rebuilds But I know that I still have a lot of fight left in me and that one day I will be strong enough to break that wall and that the box will open ...

I guess right now that is what my hope is for that I can become strong enough to do that and find my dreams or hopes what they may be... that I can  make them be true no matter how big or small they may be because after all they are my dreams my wishes my ideas ... but there is still so much uncertainty
I suppose I need to be stronger , strong enough to stand up to those who see me as unrealistic
those who see me as mellow dramatic, those who see my ideas , dreams, hopes as childish as foolish ... I need to have hopes I can't be just another lifeless person , Its not who I am , I'm mellow dramatic , I'm hopeful , I have wishes and hopes and I just need to find my strength for I can't just be simple its just not who I am .... ahhh but why do I have so much doubt  sighs and how do I build up strength? 

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